Thursday 31 March 2011

Front Cover Draft

This is the final draft for me Front Cover, on this draft I added a picture in the bottom right hand corner.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


For my evaluation I am planning on doing a Prezi or I am going to do a power point for my evaluation.

Sunday 27 March 2011

DPS first draft

This is the first draft for my Double page spread (DPS), for my DPS i tried to follow the code and conventions of a magazine of my genre. but i wanted to make it different by taking my own view on what it should look like and not just a a copy of another magazine.

Friday 18 March 2011

Edited Front cover

This is the edit of my front cover, I have managed to change a lot if things on my front cover.
Things i had to change were :
  • I had to add another colour to my front cover which is pink
  • I also re arranged some of the stories on my front cover.
  • I also changed the size and colour of my main story and made the puffs in a different colour to make them, stand out more.
  • I also moved the bar code and the date and issue around.

I wanted to add another image to the bottom right hand corner, but I didn't have one, but I am going to add one image as soon as i have one.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Contents Page

This is my contents page for my music magazine. I have made my contents page follow the theme of the front page of my music magazine. I have used the same colours, i.e. greys purples and whites and reds. This is good because it shows that my magazine has a constant theme and people don't get confused as all the colours are the same and consistent.

I also have several images on my contents page. I have done this because if there are more images then the audience wont get bored because they know there is a lot inside my magazine.

I have also set my contents into two different headings, Features and Every Issue. i have done this so audience can see easily what is special about this issue and what is the same throughout. it also makes it easy for a reader to find exactly what It is they want to read because they will know if it is and Every week piece or just a feature of this weeks magazine, so can easily just see what page it is on without having to read the whole of the contents page.

I have also at the top of the contents Page put a ban of writing about subscribing to this magazine as I know that a lot of magazines that I have read advertise subscription on their contents page.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Final draft of my magazine front cover

This is the final draft for my music magazine front cover. To finish my magazine of I have added a price, date, issue number and bar code. This is giving my magazine a more professional look.

This is the next stage of creating my magazine front cover. I have seen on magazines that for offers and quiz's they sometimes put a different background around it. So i have added that and moved around my text that I had already had on my front cover.

Friday 4 March 2011

In this stage of creating my front page I have inserted some text. I have also decided that I needed to add a colour to my front covers theme so I have chosen to use purple and white as the colours of my theme. I have chosen purple because it goes very well with grey and is a suttle sort of colour.

Next stage

This is the next stage that I have done on my ront page. I decided that the white background didnt look good. So I changed it to a grey because my magazine theme seems to be grey at the moment.

First attempt of my front cover

This is the first draft of my front page of my magazine. i have cut the surroundings out of this image and just left the artist in the middle.
I also have the masthead on the top of the front page, and the strap line underneath the masthead. The strap line is what the initials of the magazine.

Monday 28 February 2011

original photograpghy

Here are all of the original photography that i have taken for both my front page and my contents page.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Pre Lim task contents page

This is the contents page for my pre lim task. This is a contents page for a sports magazine for my school.
I have had ideas from people because i did some research and asked people what the main sports for our school is and what colours they represent our school. i have based my contents page on what people have said.
Doing this task has helped me get used to using photo shop and has made me aware of what has to be put on a contents page. This has made it better for me because when i have to make my contents page for my music magazine i will be able to understand what to easier and i will be more familiar with the program photo shop so i will be able to a really good contents page.

Thursday 27 January 2011

This is a contents page taken from a man lifestyle magazine.

Compared to the women's lifestyle magazine contents page, this contents page has several images on it. This is done because this contents page doesn't have headings so they use pictures to help inform the customer what is in the magazine without actually saying what is in the magazine.

They use large page numbers so people can easily see what page they need to go to to get the specific items that they want to read in the magazine.

The use of the very bold heading '100% useful' is because then customers will believe and think that everything that people need to read is in this magazine and is completely useful for men's everyday life. It also makes people trust the magazine because then they will believe everything that is written in it.

Although there are no headings to say what articles are in each section of the magazine. Some of the magazine is broken up into sections by different colored lines. This is good because people know without headings what items are on similar topics and what items are in similar categories of the magazine.

This is a content page of a magazine called ELLE magazine. The magazine has a content of People, Features, Report, Insight, Fashion, Looks, Travel, Cuisine and Elle-Ments.
The main coulour of this magazine is red. They have matched the masthead colour and the main headings colour to show that the magazine has a theme.
The magazine has a very simple content page. This is good because the magazine is simple its a women's lifestyle magazine and thats what it is, its not fussy. the main focus of the contents page is the two pictures of the girls. both the gilrs used on the content page are very glamourous. this helps entice people into reading the magazine because people will belive that they may be able to look like the mdoels on the content page.
Also under the masthead is the date of when the issue was printed. This reassures the customer that the issue they are reading is current to the fashion and people scene.

Thursday 6 January 2011

NME Double Page Spread

This is an Article from an issue of NME.
The picture and the writing are on separate pages. this is so the artist doesn't over power the writing because she is on another page. Also it is don't so the pages look neat and tidy because there is not too much fuss just on one page. The way the Artist is sitting is a very sophisticated and confident pose this shows that she is good and powerful artist.
The colors of here clothes contrast with the colours she is sitting on because the colour she is wearing is dark and deary, where as the colors she is sitting on are either bright and warming or natural. This makes the artist Florence and the machine stand out from the surrounding colours
In the back ground there are the letters 'USA'. This stands for United States of America. the artist Florence and the machine is an English artist, so i think that the 'USA' means she is going to try and concur the 'USA' with her music. also over lapping the letters 'USA' is the sentence 'got the love'. this could also mean that she loves the USA or that she thinks the USA are going to love her music and what she is about.

Marie Claire content page

This is a content page from one of Marie Claire's issues.

The main pictures in the middle of the content page are all images that are main features of this article. Having the pictures on the content pages helps give the reader a feel for what there is supposed to be in the main magazine itself. On every picture there is a number next to it, this number shows what page the article is on. this helps the reader so they can go straight to the article and see what the picture is all about easily.

At the top of the page is Marie Claire's website. They do this so people know that they have a website and because it shows the reader that they can get more information and more articles and features on the website.

Also under the main heading 'Content' is the date that the issue was sent out. This assures the reader that the fashion, celebrity gossip and everything else inside the magazine is up to date with what is happening all around the world.

on the bottom of the page is all the content of the magazine. It is separated into different sections in which the there are different articles underneath the headings. they do this so people can go straight to the parts of the magazine that they want to read or look at, without having to search through a random list of content. Also underneath the content is a little summary of what the article or feature is about so the reader can see if that part of the content is what they would like to read.

NME Content page

This is a Content page from one of NME's magazine issues.

On the far left hand side of the content page is the 'Band Index'. This is used to show people what bands are in this issue and what page you can find them on. This helps the reader know if one of their favorite artists are in this issue of the magazine.

There is the date situated on the top of the content page. This shows the reader how relevant the music in this issue is to the current music scene.

Also on the top of the content page is the title NME again. It is in bold and outstanding colour, this is trying to make the reader remember the magazine NME.

There are headings for each of the different types of content in the magazine, that makes it easier for people to find the sections of the magazine that they want t read. It also breaks up the list so its easier to read and to navigate around the content of the magazine. There are even more subheadings under the main headings to make it even easier for people to find straight away what they want to read instead of just reading through the whole magazine.

In the main center of the content page is featuring article, which is there to give people a taste of what is in the magazine before they even read through the whole magazine. Having a summary of the article on the front content page gives the reader a feel of what the main article is about.

Right at the bottom of the magazine is the information for people to subscribe to the magazine. It is in a contrasting colour with the rest of the content page with a black background and writing that is mainly yellow. They use these contrasting colours to make it stand out from the rest of the content page.

At the bottom of the content page is a red arrow that is showing the main feature that people are most interested in. It is highlighted and in bold to make it stand out amongst some of the other content on the page.

Pre-Lim Task

This is my Pre-Lim task.
My magazine Pre-Lim task is based on school sports. I chose to do my front cover with a basket ball theme because our school has a basketball academy, so that the main sport played at our school. I also put the school logo on to show that it represented our school, and I used blue as the colour for the writing because blue matches the colour of our school.

Mood Board

This is my mood board, it focuses on all of the different aspects of my ideal readers life. It ranges from what music they enjoy to listen to, to what clothes they like to wear and what shops they like to shop in.
This has helped me with my magazine because it shows the kind of adverts they would pay attention to if they were in the magazine. It also shows me what sort of magazine they already read.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Marie Claire Masthead

Marie Claire is a womens lifestyle magazine. The masthead to the left is the same type face that the magazine uses through all the issues they print, the only thing that is different is the colour. Marie Claire uses a different colour font to go with the rest of the colour scheme throughout the magazine.
Marie Claire has more of a quirky type face to NME. I like the way that they don't use capitals and that the font is very girly, which would be good for my magazine because I want people to notice that it is a very girly magazine.
I think that a magazine should have a particular coluor scheme, so I don't think that changing your colour is particularly a good thing to do for every week. Maybe on special additions of the magazine a colour change of the font would be okay, but doing it every issue means that the magazine doesn't really get a colour linked with their magazine.
This masthead has helped me decide what i want mine to look like, because the font that has been used is the sort of font that I want. Also I would like my magazine masthead to have a pastel or natural colour.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

a day in the life .....

What a night last night! Went out with all the girls for a boy at our college's bithday, in a club in town. We didnt get in till two this morning, and all ended up sleeping in my bed, it was a bit of a messy night.

But this morning I think we are going to drive in to town to do some shopping.

I am the only one at the moment that can drive so unfortunetly I have become like the shofer for everyone. I drove to the club last night so my mum is going to take me to pick up my car while all my friends get ready to go out. My mum is a teacher at a school and my dad is a business man, so my mum is around a lot more than my dad is.

We are going to drive to kingston which is a good place to shop, it has a massive shopping mall. In my car there is a rule that the driver chooses what music to listen. So I put my ipod on and wanted to listen to some music that is acoustic, so I chose to listen to a playlist that I made that has artist such as Joe Brooks who is such an amazing artist, Colbie Calliat and a band called NeverShoutNever. This is one of my favourte playlists to listen to.

I really like fashion, but my job only pays £5 an hour, so i cant actually afford the best sort of clothes. My favorite shops to shop in are H&M, New look, Holister and TopShop. I also love my ugg boots, I actually live in them all the time. I dont really wear much else unless I am at a party or if it is just two hot to handle.

Tonight I am working, I work a golf club that does different functions.

Before I go to work I need to do some product design work and watch some TV that i missed from last night due to the party. I have to catch up on Eastenders and Hollyoaks that I missed.

Tonight at work it is a party today, with a buffet which means i will not be there two late, which means i can get an early night. The first thing I have to do when I get to work is make sure all the tables and chairs are set out for people, I also need to make sure all the tables are set up for the buffet and all the cutlery is set up for people to use. When people have finnished dinner I have to clean up all the plates and polish all the peices of cutlery. I had a check to collect which was £50, and i got a £6 tip.

I was home after 11, after taking one of the girls that I work with home. the last thing i did before i went to bed was check facebook and someone has posted pictures of last night on my wall.