Thursday 27 January 2011

This is a contents page taken from a man lifestyle magazine.

Compared to the women's lifestyle magazine contents page, this contents page has several images on it. This is done because this contents page doesn't have headings so they use pictures to help inform the customer what is in the magazine without actually saying what is in the magazine.

They use large page numbers so people can easily see what page they need to go to to get the specific items that they want to read in the magazine.

The use of the very bold heading '100% useful' is because then customers will believe and think that everything that people need to read is in this magazine and is completely useful for men's everyday life. It also makes people trust the magazine because then they will believe everything that is written in it.

Although there are no headings to say what articles are in each section of the magazine. Some of the magazine is broken up into sections by different colored lines. This is good because people know without headings what items are on similar topics and what items are in similar categories of the magazine.

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