Tuesday 4 January 2011

a day in the life .....

What a night last night! Went out with all the girls for a boy at our college's bithday, in a club in town. We didnt get in till two this morning, and all ended up sleeping in my bed, it was a bit of a messy night.

But this morning I think we are going to drive in to town to do some shopping.

I am the only one at the moment that can drive so unfortunetly I have become like the shofer for everyone. I drove to the club last night so my mum is going to take me to pick up my car while all my friends get ready to go out. My mum is a teacher at a school and my dad is a business man, so my mum is around a lot more than my dad is.

We are going to drive to kingston which is a good place to shop, it has a massive shopping mall. In my car there is a rule that the driver chooses what music to listen. So I put my ipod on and wanted to listen to some music that is acoustic, so I chose to listen to a playlist that I made that has artist such as Joe Brooks who is such an amazing artist, Colbie Calliat and a band called NeverShoutNever. This is one of my favourte playlists to listen to.

I really like fashion, but my job only pays £5 an hour, so i cant actually afford the best sort of clothes. My favorite shops to shop in are H&M, New look, Holister and TopShop. I also love my ugg boots, I actually live in them all the time. I dont really wear much else unless I am at a party or if it is just two hot to handle.

Tonight I am working, I work a golf club that does different functions.

Before I go to work I need to do some product design work and watch some TV that i missed from last night due to the party. I have to catch up on Eastenders and Hollyoaks that I missed.

Tonight at work it is a party today, with a buffet which means i will not be there two late, which means i can get an early night. The first thing I have to do when I get to work is make sure all the tables and chairs are set out for people, I also need to make sure all the tables are set up for the buffet and all the cutlery is set up for people to use. When people have finnished dinner I have to clean up all the plates and polish all the peices of cutlery. I had a check to collect which was £50, and i got a £6 tip.

I was home after 11, after taking one of the girls that I work with home. the last thing i did before i went to bed was check facebook and someone has posted pictures of last night on my wall.

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