Saturday 12 March 2011

Contents Page

This is my contents page for my music magazine. I have made my contents page follow the theme of the front page of my music magazine. I have used the same colours, i.e. greys purples and whites and reds. This is good because it shows that my magazine has a constant theme and people don't get confused as all the colours are the same and consistent.

I also have several images on my contents page. I have done this because if there are more images then the audience wont get bored because they know there is a lot inside my magazine.

I have also set my contents into two different headings, Features and Every Issue. i have done this so audience can see easily what is special about this issue and what is the same throughout. it also makes it easy for a reader to find exactly what It is they want to read because they will know if it is and Every week piece or just a feature of this weeks magazine, so can easily just see what page it is on without having to read the whole of the contents page.

I have also at the top of the contents Page put a ban of writing about subscribing to this magazine as I know that a lot of magazines that I have read advertise subscription on their contents page.

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