Thursday 2 December 2010

Quick analysis of Marie Claire

Marie Claire is a lifestyle magazine that is aimed at women of ages 20-35. Marie Claire is for womens magazine, and you can tell this by the colours that are used on the front cover, and by the celebrity used as the main cover image.

Content - Marie Claire is a lifestyle magazine, that is full of Health, Beauty, Fashion and Celebrity news. It also has several pages that are dedicated to advertisement.
Images - The main image is of a well known fashion and music role model. The picture is a very paparazzi pose, and looks quite natural. The image is in the center to show that it is one of the main attraction of this issue.

Language and mode of address - the language used is very informal, it is like they are speaking to some one they know. It uses language aimed at women that is very sophisticated. The tone that it uses is like its giving advice to people on all the subjects that they involve in their magazine.
Layout - the magazine front cover like most front covers have its central dominate image in the center of the cover, and then surrounding the image there is blocks of writhing.
Font colour and size - The font colours are defiantly styled between black and red they use these colours because they are very bold and out standing colours. The back ground of the magazine is a simple neutral white colour.

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