Sunday 28 November 2010

Quick analysis of NME magazine

The New Music Magazine better known as NME is an alternative rock magazine which has been published weekly since march 1952. Like NME i want my magazine to mainly focus on music, i want to show off artists that could be in the chart if they got a bigger fan base. NME is known for displaying the greatest music, and i would love my magazine to be known as a magazine that has the best new artists around.

Content - NME focuses mainly on the worlds greatest rock music and has plenty of interviews in it, but as well as music it also has good brands and adverts in it and fantastic photography.

images - The main image of the magazine has a very serious look about it, the expression on his face and the way he has his arms folded shows how serious the magazine is, this is a contrast of what the magazine thinks about itself, it doesn't take itself to too seriously.

Language and mode of address - The language used on the front cover of the magazine is very informal, it has a bit of a comical tone to it which completely contrasts to the central dominate image. It is defiantly uses more sophisticated language which shows the target audience that they are aiming for.

Layout - The magazine front cover has a plain simple natural back ground colour and has only one main image of the front. Around the main image is several different blocks of writing breaking up the front cover.

Font colour and size - The colour of writing that stands out the most is the red used for the central dominate image. This is what helps back up the image as red is a very serious colour and the image is very serious.

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