Thursday 31 March 2011

Front Cover Draft

This is the final draft for me Front Cover, on this draft I added a picture in the bottom right hand corner.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


For my evaluation I am planning on doing a Prezi or I am going to do a power point for my evaluation.

Sunday 27 March 2011

DPS first draft

This is the first draft for my Double page spread (DPS), for my DPS i tried to follow the code and conventions of a magazine of my genre. but i wanted to make it different by taking my own view on what it should look like and not just a a copy of another magazine.

Friday 18 March 2011

Edited Front cover

This is the edit of my front cover, I have managed to change a lot if things on my front cover.
Things i had to change were :
  • I had to add another colour to my front cover which is pink
  • I also re arranged some of the stories on my front cover.
  • I also changed the size and colour of my main story and made the puffs in a different colour to make them, stand out more.
  • I also moved the bar code and the date and issue around.

I wanted to add another image to the bottom right hand corner, but I didn't have one, but I am going to add one image as soon as i have one.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Contents Page

This is my contents page for my music magazine. I have made my contents page follow the theme of the front page of my music magazine. I have used the same colours, i.e. greys purples and whites and reds. This is good because it shows that my magazine has a constant theme and people don't get confused as all the colours are the same and consistent.

I also have several images on my contents page. I have done this because if there are more images then the audience wont get bored because they know there is a lot inside my magazine.

I have also set my contents into two different headings, Features and Every Issue. i have done this so audience can see easily what is special about this issue and what is the same throughout. it also makes it easy for a reader to find exactly what It is they want to read because they will know if it is and Every week piece or just a feature of this weeks magazine, so can easily just see what page it is on without having to read the whole of the contents page.

I have also at the top of the contents Page put a ban of writing about subscribing to this magazine as I know that a lot of magazines that I have read advertise subscription on their contents page.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Final draft of my magazine front cover

This is the final draft for my music magazine front cover. To finish my magazine of I have added a price, date, issue number and bar code. This is giving my magazine a more professional look.

This is the next stage of creating my magazine front cover. I have seen on magazines that for offers and quiz's they sometimes put a different background around it. So i have added that and moved around my text that I had already had on my front cover.

Friday 4 March 2011

In this stage of creating my front page I have inserted some text. I have also decided that I needed to add a colour to my front covers theme so I have chosen to use purple and white as the colours of my theme. I have chosen purple because it goes very well with grey and is a suttle sort of colour.

Next stage

This is the next stage that I have done on my ront page. I decided that the white background didnt look good. So I changed it to a grey because my magazine theme seems to be grey at the moment.

First attempt of my front cover

This is the first draft of my front page of my magazine. i have cut the surroundings out of this image and just left the artist in the middle.
I also have the masthead on the top of the front page, and the strap line underneath the masthead. The strap line is what the initials of the magazine.