Monday 28 February 2011

original photograpghy

Here are all of the original photography that i have taken for both my front page and my contents page.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Pre Lim task contents page

This is the contents page for my pre lim task. This is a contents page for a sports magazine for my school.
I have had ideas from people because i did some research and asked people what the main sports for our school is and what colours they represent our school. i have based my contents page on what people have said.
Doing this task has helped me get used to using photo shop and has made me aware of what has to be put on a contents page. This has made it better for me because when i have to make my contents page for my music magazine i will be able to understand what to easier and i will be more familiar with the program photo shop so i will be able to a really good contents page.